Everybody has a secret world inside of them.
All of the people in the whole world. I mean everybody.
No matter how dull and boring they might seem to be on the outside.
Inside of them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent,wonderful and stupid worlds.
Not just one world, hundreds of them.
Maybe thousands.

Truer words and all that. I, for one have atleast a billion worlds inside of me. Some where I am a princess, some where a fashion model. They often change and grow and are sometimes discarded for newer worlds, fancier worlds. But somewhere within me, in my unconscious, they stay. I never really forget them. I think they help me grow, to introspect. To visualise where I see myself. To realize what I see myself as. These worlds are my aspirations, they exist not only in fantasy land but in a parallel reality. And whenever life gets a wee bit dull and stagnant, I delve into those faraway lands. To seek courage.
So, what are your worlds? What to do they signify to you?
These pictures are so beautiful and fantastical. And I love Neil Gaiman... was rereading Stardust the other night and it was just as magical as before.
You are right. I think those little worlds and planets and dreams inside me are contributing to make me the person I am. I love these worlds because in them the princess gets the prince, the troll or ogre is defeated, and we can find the courage we need to go on.
i want a 'land of make believe' sign for my room! I so agree with that Neil Gaiman quote, its brilliant. He wrote 'Stardust'? (that movie?). Hmmm...I should pick up one of his, unfortunately i am stuck with textbooks.
@Abby - I think they give you courage of conviction as well as the strength to go on, to give yourself a chance to make actually make them happen. I havent read Stardust but I feel I must!
@Pancakes - Sheen, hes a sci-fi writer. I dont know about the movie though!
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