Friday, July 30, 2010

Oh, shut up.

Patti, whoever the hell you are, Who gave you the right to comment on someone's sexuality and life choice? Does any one tell YOU what to do, who to sleep with, who to love? No, right? Then how did you assume this responsibility, may I ask?

The whole hype on homosexuality drives me to the edge. What is the big deal? If you thing that something is disgusting, is not for you, then DON'T DO IT. But neither is there any need for you to condemn the people who do. I don't eat meat, but I don't go around criticizing the people who do. Can you imagine the love homosexuals must have for themselves and each other? How easily they agree to be the subject of international and familial scorn, for the sake of each other. Can you imagine that kind of love? Do we all, in straight or "normal" relationships, have that kind of support? Can we expect our partner to be with us, no matter who says what? We don't allow them to wed saying that will shame the name of marriage, change the defination of marriage. But haven't we already shamed the name of marriage? More than 50 thousand woman have lined up to marry a man who has been the subject of national news for the usgae of drugs and wife abuse, A man who has not been able to carry out a single decent relationship in his life, ON NATIONAL TV.This is what we have reduced marriage to.
I can only envy those men or women who have found such pure love with each other, such devotion, such affection. I sincerely hope, like Senator Diane J. Savino said,
that WE learn from THEM, rather than THEY learning from US.


thelayeredpancake said...

is that from facebook? i find people talk about homosexuality because it gives them something to do and voice actually how stupid they are. Otherwise, i find the entire debate so unrequired. Why should I want to meddle? Someone else's sexual preferences do not affect me, why would i have a problem.

elizabethbennet said...

I so agree!
I dont see how someone's sexuality comes in the perview of state and other citizens.